James 4:7


Therefore submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you. James 4:7 (NKJV)

I invite you to meditate on this verse if you have a moment today. Specifically, ask your husband if he can meditate with you. Pray with him for the both of you and pray over your marriage.

Pray that you can resist the devil’s temptations to be unforgiving, bitter, and angry at your husband. Pray for your husband that he can resist the stronghold lust has on him. Pray that God will start restoring your marriage today.

Pray together that you can submit to God. Submit to His plan for your marriage and your life. Place your trust in Him and have the courage to follow Him each step. Look hopefully and expectantly for the blessings that He has in store for you.

Prayer for Trusting in God


Dear Amazing God,

Thank You for Your promise to restore my marriage. Thank You for loving me right where I am, even if I am doubtful and hopeless. I come to You to help me trust my husband again. Lord, You know how difficult this is for me. You know that I cannot do it on my own. Thank You God that You know my heart. You know the very things I am afraid to do. And You promise that You will intercede and work in my life. Without You in my life, I could never trust my husband again. But, I know that only You, God, are trustworthy. Only You are the One who will never let me down. You knew everything that would happen in my life. You even knew this day that I would be seeking You for help. This is why I can trust in You. I can trust You, God, to restore my marriage. I can trust You with my husband and with my heart. I know without any uncertainty that you will show me whatever I need to know. You are a God that sees all things. That is why I do not have to worry about everything my husband is doing. I can have peace in Your name God! You see my husband and you see me. You will give me the strength to trust my husband again by trusting in You Lord. Thank you God that you are not finished with my marriage. You are restoring it right now! And thank you God that you are growing me to trust You fully. I come to you with all this today in Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Trust in the Lord


On this blog, there’s a lot to say about trust. I talk about it all the time. The comments bring it up. Also, most e-mails from wives talk about trust. We usually talk about trust pertaining to our husband. However, today I want to talk about trusting in God. Proverbs 3:5-6 says,

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths. (NKJV)

Do you believe that?

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God’s Light

light 5

Some moments of life seem very dark. Those moments are empty, hopeless, unbearable times. We wonder, where is God? Everyone around seems like they are just getting along fine with life. People everywhere are laughing, talking, and going about their day. But, inside of you, you’re stuck in this dark moment.

You probably planned how your marriage and family would be. You would make such wonderful memories together. You’d have so many happy times. Love would be abundant, people caring about each other, and everything would be great.

I know within that image you never pictured your husband would be addicted to pornography. You never thought the special man you wanted to spend your whole life with could ever hurt you this deeply. We often think certain troubles will happen to other people. Then, one day, they happen to you. And you’re left in a very dark moment. What do you do now?

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Prayer for Healing


Maybe you have just found out your husband watches pornography. Or maybe you have known about this for a very long time and you are suffering alone in your marriage. Perhaps your husband has repented and is well on his way to living for God, but you are still hurting from the betrayal. Whatever your specific situation might be, if you are hurting please know that God can heal you.

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5 Ways Your Marriage Can Be Stronger After You Survive A Crisis


Going through a crisis in your marriage is not an enjoyable time. However, if you both rely on God and follow God’s plans for your life, your marriage can become stronger than ever. Every marriage goes through a crisis eventually. There is no avoiding it. This is the time that many go through painful divorces. However, if your marriage survives the crisis and you come out on the other side, you can share an intimacy you never knew was even possible. God has shown me, through my marriage, five ways that your marriage can be stronger after you survive a crisis.

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One Wife’s Question


One wife recently asked the following question:

I have been married for two years to my husband. He is a recovering alcoholic who just celebrated 6 years of sobriety. About a year into our relationship I discovered a lot of porn use and other online stuff that was extremely addictive in appearance. When I first asked him about this he lied about it, even when I could show the search history the lies continued. Eventually he admitted that he had been looking at porn, etc. We struggled for a solid year after with lies, deception, etc. Went to counseling which helped immensely in our relationship. He has been open for the past year to creating trust, so we know all our accounts, have minimized social media etc. Even though he has proved trustworthy for the past year I struggle with believing him. I don’t understand how this can be an addiction one minute and then over the next. Maybe I need to give god more credit for the transformation.
Lately we have really struggled with intimacy. I always initiate sex, he rarely wants to have sex, and emotionally he struggles with intimacy as well. I am wondering what has helped you build intimacy in your marriage that your husband was open too? 

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Helpful Books: 52 Things


52 Things Husbands Need from their Wives and 52 Things Wives Need from their Husbands by Jay Payleitner are two very helpful books.

After I found out that my husband was viewing pornography, I realized my marriage was not what I thought it was. After I got past the initial shock and sadness, I wanted to actively work on my marriage. One way that I work on my marriage is by reading with my husband. We do this by first and foremost reading the Bible. The Bible should be our number one reading material always. We read the Bible together and separately. There are also many books that can help us grow together as a couple and individually. So, I started my search for great books that will help us both grow closer to God and closer to each other. I would like to start sharing in detail the books that I love and that have helped both my husband and myself.

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