Prayer for Trusting in God

Prayer for Trusting in God

This is a prayer for the wife who has been hurt from her husband’s pornography use.

Dear God,

I come to You today to commit to trusting in You. God, You alone are the only One that I can completely trust. There have been many times that I did not know if I could trust what You are doing in my life. I am confused and often angry at these circumstances. Continue reading

My Husband is Tempted

My Husband is Tempted

My husband has been overcoming a lust and pornography addiction in the past three and a half years. He had this addiction for most of his life. There are times and situations that he is greatly tempted. Currently, he faces one of the worst situations at his second job. There are just so many temptations there. I would like to explain them all and also discuss how we work together to help this unavoidable circumstance.

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Trust in the Lord


On this blog, there’s a lot to say about trust. I talk about it all the time. The comments bring it up. Also, most e-mails from wives talk about trust. We usually talk about trust pertaining to our husband. However, today I want to talk about trusting in God. Proverbs 3:5-6 says,

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths. (NKJV)

Do you believe that?

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Prayer for Hope


Dear Holy God,

We thank You for today. We thank You that You give us hope. We cannot hope in ourselves or in our husbands. That type of hope is useless. Only You, God, can bring about change. Only You can change someone’s heart. Only You can heal someone’s hurt. You have the power to work miracles in our lives. You can take our desperate situation and turn it completely around. We’re trusting You to work in our life. That is the reason we hope in You today God! Thank You for hope!

In Jesus’ Name, Amen