Prayer for Guidance

Prayer for Guidance

This is a prayer for guidance. It is for the wife who knows her husband watches pornography or is unfaithful and doesn’t know what to do.

Dear God,

I am coming to you today for guidance. God, I am so lost and confused. I have no idea what to do. All I know is that I am hurting and that this isn’t right. I know I have to do something. But, God I need Your guidance.

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Prayer for Trusting in God


Dear Amazing God,

Thank You for Your promise to restore my marriage. Thank You for loving me right where I am, even if I am doubtful and hopeless. I come to You to help me trust my husband again. Lord, You know how difficult this is for me. You know that I cannot do it on my own. Thank You God that You know my heart. You know the very things I am afraid to do. And You promise that You will intercede and work in my life. Without You in my life, I could never trust my husband again. But, I know that only You, God, are trustworthy. Only You are the One who will never let me down. You knew everything that would happen in my life. You even knew this day that I would be seeking You for help. This is why I can trust in You. I can trust You, God, to restore my marriage. I can trust You with my husband and with my heart. I know without any uncertainty that you will show me whatever I need to know. You are a God that sees all things. That is why I do not have to worry about everything my husband is doing. I can have peace in Your name God! You see my husband and you see me. You will give me the strength to trust my husband again by trusting in You Lord. Thank you God that you are not finished with my marriage. You are restoring it right now! And thank you God that you are growing me to trust You fully. I come to you with all this today in Jesus’ Name, Amen.