
If you have a speaking request for me to speak at your church or event, please e-mail:


I speak to women about pornography in marriage. Specifically, I will discuss the effects on the wife after pornography is exposed. I share specific strategies for healing and restoring the marriage. I explain the importance of openness in marriage. I will also talk about setting up support groups for wives and how wives can be helpful to their husbands in the recovery process. I talk about all of this from my own personal experience and share how my marriage was healed by God.

I will prayerfully consider any speaking request.

2 thoughts on “Speaking

  1. Have you heard about this? Every Man’s Battle has decided to take out a few points they made in their book. Heart of the Woman- “Ways to help him… is to increase your availability to him sexually.”
    I was listening to New Life. The experts on the call apologized to the caller who was upset by this advice (advice I was given at church), telling her they have learned a lot about the TRAUMA a woman goes through during this battle, and that this advice is no longer being given. They talk about safety and sobriety and celibacy.

    What are your thoughts on this? The call is about 5 minutes, but very powerful and validating.


    Its at about 50:00 minutes.


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